Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Lately I'm really liking hats.  I got this one from Athleta and wore it to my third chemo:

3rd Chemo

Lots of people are wearing hats this time of year, which I guess is one good thing about going through chemo in the winter--it's easier to blend in. Not that I don't like my bald head, but I don't always feel like having everyone notice. I got three more Pistil hats online:




I rationalized it to Ken by pointing out that hats I can wear after cancer, while I won't wear the headwraps. He asked how often I wore hats *before* cancer, which wasn't the point at all.

I think I'll wear the last one for Thanksgiving, when we're going to dinner with a couple of friends.  Obviously they know my diagnosis, but I think I'd rather look like a pretentious, hat-wearing-during-the-meal-hipster than a cancer patient. I'm hoping I'll have enough energy to stay... long enough to eat some stuffing, anyway! Ken's making a pie and I'm making some potato rolls to bring, so I know there will be at least a couple things I can eat. This last cycle most protein, especially meat, has seemed really off-putting to me, so I've had a lot of mac and cheese (Ken makes it from Alton Brown's recipe).

Gratuitous mac and cheese shot now:


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