Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Things NOT to say to someone with cancer

Originally uploaded by meredithk02

1. You're so lucky you caught it early. (Lucky! THAT'S the word I was looking for. I kept getting stuck on "my life is shitty.")
2. At least you're young. (Yes, it sucks for all those old people that have it. I sure showed them! or, if I'm feeling mean, Actually, the odds of surviving are lower when you're younger. Oh well)
3. My [fill-in-the-blank-relative] had it. And died. (I usually pause here to see if he or she will backtrack. Often not)
4. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help (really nice sentiment, but I'm too overwhelmed to come up with specifics).
5. Do they know WHY you got it? (Sadly, too much buttsex. If only we'd known)
6. Wow, most people your age don't have to deal with this.* (Only us "lucky" ones!)

Things I'd much rather hear:

1. I'm going to go buy you some chocolate.
2. That's really shitty.
3. What kind of chocolate should I buy you?
4. Here is an enormous bouquet of flowers. (Bonus points if these come to the office instead of my apartment where they'd be eaten and regurgitated by my cats).

I know most people are just asking the questions that come naturally, but asking someone with cancer why they think she got it can come off as really rude. Not quite as bad as asking someone with lung cancer if he or she smoked, but there's definitely a tinge of trying to find an explanation for why *this* person got cancer and you didn't, as if that'll protect you. Sometimes people just get cancer, without living near Chernobyl, having daily X-rays, a family history, eating Corn-Nuts all day, or having a mutant third boob.

*This one came from an oncology nurse. Srsly.


  1. Love your blog - very funny! Glad you kicked the bad drug habits and sex fetishes.

    I personally like:
    1. That sucks!
    2. I'd like to send you an enormous bouquet of chocolate roses!
    3. Let me bring you food - and they just drop it off with all the extras like bread and cheese and whatever goes with it.

    I've been lucky my friends don't say much but I think I shocked them by showing it all and explaining in gory detail what I've been through. No need to glamorize it and sweep it under the carpet. Everyone should know so that more can be done for a cure.
    I'm lunching right now on some homemade butternut squash soup that a friend dropped off last night. I look forward to homemade lasagna tonight from another friend. I say when in doubt bring me food!
    Keep posting - I love your shitty border!

  2. Ahaha, thanks Marie! Hope you love the food...I do have to say, I'm probably eating better now than any other time! (Hint, hint, to anyone out there!).
